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Call To Action – CMAX Advisors

Call To Action – CMAX Advisors

CMAX Advisors

CMAX Advisors was looking to design a new website that needed to integrate all of the unique services they provide. CMAX is a growing company that has several audience types to which they provide services to. One of the services they provide is “Performance Consulting” in their words: “We help organizations maximize their financial performance by improving people, processes, and approaches”. CMAX also provides HR Outsourcing in their words: “We can oversee your entire HR function, or simply support you with just a piece of the process”. The final piece to the puzzle is “Refined Recruiting” in their words this process is: “We specialize in recruiting accounting, finance, sales and operations candidates”. It became clear from the planning stages of this website that the ability to direct the 3 audience types to the proper spot was imperative the websites overall success.

A Call To Action

We stressed in our last blog post the importance of website navigation. A second layer on top of your standard primary and secondary navigation bars are “Call To Action” links. You are familiar with these even if you have never heard the term. We have all encountered the buttons that say “Try for Free” “Buy Now” “Sign up for our newsletter” etc. Call to Action buttons traditionally are used to be a part of the sales process. However, they can also be used to direct a defined audience so they can easily get to the content they are there to see. CMAX Advisors has 3 unique audiences that arrive to their site looking for 3 different things. That is not to say they are mutually exclusive, as a company may well come to the site looking for more than one of their services, but in discussions with CMAX it became clear that indeed generally their audiences were there for one item more so than another.

The solution to being able to drive these different audiences to their destination are Call to Action links. We helped implement the 3 audience type buttons along with text that explains each service in the call to action on the home page. The call to action links have been effective in driving the audience with ease to the spots where the information they need is. There is also a 4th Call to Action on the site, in their slide show they have a video that can be played with the click of the button.

Click here to visit: CMAX Advisors

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